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How to Validate Phone Number in Java using Regular Expression

To validate the Phone Number in Java it’s better to use regular expressions. Here I have explained some Regular expressions concepts to validate the phone numbers.

First Fore users to enter at least 5 digit number and max 13-14 digits.

\\d = only digit allow
{3} = length

All phone numbers must in “xx-xxxxxxxxx” format. For example

phone number validation in Java source code below

public void matchPhoneNumbers() {
    String patterns 
      = "^(\\+\\d{1,3}( )?)?((\\(\\d{3}\\))|\\d{3})[- .]?\\d{3}[- .]?\\d{4}$" 
      + "|^(\\+\\d{1,3}( )?)?(\\d{3}[ ]?){2}\\d{3}$" 
      + "|^(\\+\\d{1,3}( )?)?(\\d{3}[ ]?)(\\d{2}[ ]?){2}\\d{2}$";
    //Example no's below please replace with your input value and remove for loop, its added just to show example.
    String[] validPhoneNumbers 
      = {"6739827465","673 982 7465", "(673) 982-7465", "+111 (673) 982-7465", 
      "636 856 789", "+111 636 856 789", "636 85 67 89", "+111 636 85 67 89"};

    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patterns);
    for(String phoneNumber : validPhoneNumbers) {
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(phoneNumber);


Also Read:  Violation Of 1NF and how to deal with it

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